I submitted four items and all of them were accepted 🙂 You can view two pieces of my bronze sculptures, etching on paper and screenprinting on paper.
Bronze Sculpture “The Event” six winged phoenix on a dodecahedron
Description: It features six winged Phoenix called Seraphim. It is believed to be the highest angelic being that assisted humans to ascend to higher realm. Underneath the Phoenix is a dodecahedron which represents ether where all matters are created out of. We’re in the midst of mass human consciousness awakening “event”, and the Phoenix is helping us bring beautiful new Earth in unity, harmony, balance and peace.
Bronze Sculpture “Sea Goddess”
Description: She is an underwater being. She holds a piece of crystal in her hand. Crystals have such healing energy; she is amazed by its healing property. She is Creator and Goddess, and is incorporating the crystal energy into her creative power. On the technical note, in order to make the stand look like the surface of the water, I put green and gold pigment in clear resin, and I poured it on top of the mirror.

Higher Self (4 color drypoint etching)
Four color etching on paper “Higher Self”
Description: This is four color (CMYK), four plate drypoint etching piece. Through my spiritual awakening processes, I came to realize we’re all multi-dimensional beings living in infinite universe, and we’re a fraction of vast consciousness. One day, during meditation, I tried to connect to my higher self which is a version of myself in higher realm, in order to get some guidance in my spiritual journey. She was a flame being; her hair was standing up in the air. During another meditation, I was connected to Nefertiti; ancient Egyptian queen. I am in constant awe when I experience wonders like these.

Synchronicity (4 color screenprint on paper)
Four color screenprinting on paper “Synchronicity”
Description: Four color (white, blue, red, black) screenprinting on a gray paper. There are things that can be no way explained as coincidences. Once you realize that everything in this universe operates in law of one; we share the vast universal consciousness, we can play with the universe and it plays back with you in a seemingly impossible way!