I’d like to invite everyone to the World Water Day Celebration at the Water Brewery in Costa Mesa this coming Saturday. I’ll have a booth and will be demonstrating Reiki energy healing, so bring your friends and family who would like to try Reiki in person. I’ll be giving out Reiki energy healing coupons! I’ll be selling my Reiki infused hand-made healing jewelry, spiritual art prints, and more. This is going to be the very first time to display my latest bronze sculpture piece; Enlio-The Enlightened Dragon. We’ll have music, healthy food, activities for children and many vendors!!!
Time: Saturday, March 20, 2021 11:11am – 3:33pm PDT
Location: Victoria Plaza 1125 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Mother Tree Sanctuary ecovillage invites families to come celebrate clean and pure drinking water, our rivers, our oceans, and the health of our own bodies!
Live Music & Outdoor Open Mic
Local Vendors – Handcraft Goods
Organic Food – Handmade with Love
Fun Activities – Painting, Henna, Jiu-Jitsu, and Children’s Tour
Proceeds donated to 11:11 Wishing Well Charity Projects
EventBrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/world-water-day-celebration-tickets-143531146523?aff=erelexpmlt
