Original Multicolor Drypoint Etching Printed on Paper
"Higher Self"
During meditation, I saw myself as a being with the entire body made of flames.
Her hair stood up high in the air. It was my higher self in higher density.
Ancient Egyptian queen, Nefertiti appeared in my meditation once.
She had such a majestic presence, and I still clearly remember her piercing eyes.
I depicted her face in this work.
I created four plates; yellow, magenta, cyan and black.
I printed by myself using a printing press.
There are five prints and each one is unique. Please select the one you like.
***Note: The paper is roughly in square and the image is printed diagonally as shown in the pictures.***
"Higher Self" multicolor, multi-plate intaglio
Paper size
Height: appx. 15 3/16 inches (appx. 38.4 cm)
Width: appx. 15 inches (appx. 38 cm)Image size
Height: appx. 11 1/4 inches (appx. 28.5 cm)
Width: appx. 11 1/4 inches (appx. 28.5 cm)
Diagonal image size
appx. 8 inches (appx. 20.2 cm)
Limited edition of six prints. Numbered, titled, signed by hand.